The following are descriptions of the existing subcommittees. If you are interested
in joining one of these subcommittees, please contact Beki Marshall at or
800/433-9016, ext 4089. There is no pre-set limit to the number of members that can
participate on each subcommittee. (Of course, there is also no budget for
Objective: To identify health IT issues for which there is a gap in AAP policy and to review
existing COCIT-written AAP policy to ensure it remains up to date.
Subcommittee members:
Mark Del Beccaro, Chairperson
Joe Schneider
Eugenia Marcus
Gregg Lund
Eric Tham
Alan Zuckerman
Willa Drummond
E-mail list:
Members of the Policy Subcommittee who are also on the COCIT Executiive Committee
conduct half-day meetings twice a year (during the Spring Executive Committee
meeting and at the NCE). The full subcommittee also holds conference calls
approximately 6 times per year.
Objective: To plan educational activities for AAP and COCIT members, including COCIT-sponsored
sessions at the NCE, the Technology Learning Center, the COCIT newsletter, and other
educational activities.
Subcommittee members:
Lewis Wasserman, Chairperson
Kristin Benson
Donna D'Alessandro
George Kim
Ali Loveys
David Stockwell
John Sutter
Objective: This subcommittee was established in Fall 2006 to identify and work with the AAP to
develop new clinical applications to move AAP-produced content into electronic
Subcommittee members:
Michael Leu
Jeffrey Wright
As more members join this subcommittee, a listserv will be established.
If you are interested in getting more involved in COCIT's activities but are not
sure how you can best contribute to COCIT's work, please contact Beki Marshall and/or our
chairperson, Dr Mark Simonian ( to talk about your interests.