The Council on Clinical Information Technology (COCIT) is one of
50 surgical specialty, medical specialty, and special interest
sections available to AAP Fellows who meet Section requirements.
A complete overview of sections and a section membership application
are available
or by contacting the American Academy of Pediatrics at 1-800-433-9016.
If you are an AAP member and would like to join the COCIT online, go to the
AAP Members Channel and login in.
Scroll down the left column where you find Get Involved and select
Join a Section. From there you can join a number of sections at once and will be
billed for those selections by the AAP Membership.
Current Membership Count, Benefits
As of November 1, 2005, the membership total was reported to be 583.
Newsletters and Listservs
All COCIT members receive a newsletter
which is mailed twice a year. COCIT members also have exclusive use of
email listservs hosted by AAP.
For further info on available listservs, please check out:
To receive digest versions of a listserv, send a message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AAP.ORG
with "set [list name] digest mime nohtml" in the body of the message.
COCIT Membership Requirements
Membership to COCIT is open to Fellows of the Academy, including
Post-Residency Training Fellows, Residents, Candidate Fellows, Honorary
Fellows, Emeritus Fellows, Specialty Fellows, Corresponding Fellows, Dual Fellows,
Life Fellows, CPS/AAP Dual Fellows and ACP/ASIM/AAP Dual Fellows.
COCIT has an affiliate membership category for physicians who are not
eligible for Fellowship in the Academy and who are actively involved in
the study of computer applications to pediatrics or who are interested
in contributing to COCIT's objectives.
NEW, posted June 21, 2007:
From: Beki Marshall
Subject: COCIT: Recent Activities Update
Date: Thu, June 21, 2007 9:56 am
COCIT's Affiliate Membership Category Expanded!
Thank you to all COCIT members who voted in our March election. The response was
overwhelming - 91.5% of those voting chose to allow non-physicians to join COCIT as
Affiliate Members. To qualify, non-physicians must be actively involved in the
administration and practice of pediatric medicine and be employed by or under the
direct supervision of a Fellow of the AAP. Affiliate Members will be eligible to
subscribe to any of our listservs, will have access to COCIT Members Only Web
content, and will receive our semi-annual newsletter. In addition, Affiliate
Membership includes a subscription to AAP News.
You can find an application for Affiliate Membership at The application must
include a letter of support from an AAP Fellow or Specialty Fellow.
If members of your office staff (RNs, PAs, PNPs, office managers, etc) are
interested in becoming Affiliate Members of COCIT, please encourage them to do so!
COCIT Membership Dues
The current membership dues for COCIT is $25.00.