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COCIT - Council on
Clinical Information Technology

Glossary of Alphabet Soup
last updated on September 29, 2007

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First placed on the World Wide
Web (WWW): March 28, 1995

Your Glossary of the Alphabet Soup - With Liaison Reports
AHIC American Health Information Community
  • The work AHIC will perform to select interoperability standards is designed to advance the implementation of electronic health records, which promise to improve the quality of health care, reduce medical errors and cut costs. AHIC, formed under the auspices of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, will be chartered for two years, with the option to renew and a duration of no more than five years. HHS intends for the group to be succeeded within five years by a private-sector health information community initiative that would set additional needed standards, certify health IT for standards compliance and provide long-term governance for health care transformation.
AHIMA American Health Information Management Association
  • A community of professionals engaged in health information management, providing support to members and strengthening the industry and profession.
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • In examining what works and does not work in health care, AHRQ's mission includes both translating research findings into better patient care and providing policymakers and other health care leaders with information needed to make critical health care decisions.
AIRA AIRA - American Immunization Registry Association
  • A membership organization which promotes the development and implementation of immunization registries as important tools in preventing and controlling vaccine preventable diseases. The Association provides a forum through which registry programs, interested organizations and individuals and communities combine efforts and share knowledge that promotes registry activities as a resource for immunization information systems (IIS) and immunization programs.
AMIA AMIA - American Medical Informatics Association
  • A membership organization of physicians, nurses, computer and information scientists, biomedical engineers, medical librarians, and academic researchers and educators dedicated to developing and using information technologies to improve health care.
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
  • Develops technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM International standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy.
CCD Continuity of Care Document
  • The Summary Documents Using HL7 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) Component describes the document content summarizing a consumer's medical status for the purpose of information exchange. The content may include administrative (e.g., registration, demographics, insurance, etc.) and clinical (problem list, medication list, allergies, test results, etc) information. This Component defines content in order to promote interoperability between participating systems such as Personal Health Record Systems (PHRs), Electronic Health Record Systems (EHRs), Practice Management Applications and others.
CCHIT Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Tech
  • Created by HIMMS, AHIMA, and NAHIT to accelerate the adoption of robust, interoperable HIT throughout the US healthcare system, by creating an efficient, credible, sustainable mechanism for the certification of HIT products.
CCR Continuity of Care Record
COCIT AAP Council on Clinical Information Technology
COSI Commission on Systemic Interoperability
Report eHI eHealth Initiative
  • An organization focused on engaging multiple and diverse stakeholders--including hospitals and other healthcare organizations, clinician groups, employers and purchasers, health plans, healthcare information technology organizations, manufacturers, public health agencies, academic and research institutions, and public sector stakeholders--to define and then implement specific actions that will address the quality, safety and efficiency challenges of our healthcare system through the use of interoperable information technology.
HIMSS Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
  • A membership organization exclusively focused on providing leadership for the optimal use of healthcare information technology and management systems for the betterment of human health.
HISPC Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration
  • RTI International has subcontracted with 33 states and 1 territory to create the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC). These subcontractors have leveraged input from state leadership and a broad range of stakeholders in health information exchange to assess the variations that exist at the organization level with respect to privacy and security practices and policies - and the legal bases for such practices and polices, where applicable. HISPC's goals are to: 1. identify both best practices and challenges 2. develop consensus-based solutions for interoperable electronic health information exchange (HIE) that protect the privacy and security of health information, and 3. to develop detailed implementation plans to implement solutions.
HITSP Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel
HL7 Health Level Seven, Inc.
  • Standard setting for HIT specifically in clinical and administrative data.
IHE Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
  • IHE is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information. IHE promotes the coordinates use of established standards such as DICOM and HL7 to address specific clinical need in support of optimal patient care. Systems developed in accordance with IHE communicate with one another better, are easier to implement, and enable care providers to use information more effectively.
NAHIT National Alliance for Health Information Technology
  • Comprised of almost 100 member organizations from four industry sectors: providers (medical groups, care providers), payors, supply chain, information technology suppliers and other relevant non-healthcare organizations and government liaisons, working to advance the adoption and implementation of healthcare information technology.
NAPCI National Alliance for Primary Care Informatics
  • A coordinating group of primary care organizations committed to the development and implementation of a national strategy for the use of information technology and management in primary care.
NCQA National Committee for Quality Assurance
  • MISSION: To improve the quality of health care. VISION: To transform health care quality through measurement, transparency and accountability.
NHII National Health Information Infrastructure
  • An HHS initiative “set forth to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and overall quality of health and health care in the United States”.
NHIN National Health Information Network
  • The goal of Dr. Brailer, this network would link disparate health care information systems together to allow patients, physicians, hospitals, public health agencies and other authorized users across the nation to share clinical information in real-time under stringent security, privacy and other protections.
NICHQ National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality
NICHQ National Institute for Children's Healthcare Quality
  • The National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) is an education and research organization dedicated solely to improving the quality of health care provided to children. Founded in 1999, NICHQ's mission is to eliminate the gap between what is and what can be in health care for all children. A national organization with its home office in Boston, NICHQ also has offices in Vermont and Washington State. Led by experienced children's health care professionals, NICHQ works to improve children's health care independently and by working in collaboration with others who share this goal.
ONCHIT Office of the National Coordinator for H.I.T.
PEHRC Physicians' Electronic Health Record Coalition
  • Over 20 organized medicine groups (e.g. AAP, AMA, AAFP, etc) addressing physician interests with EMR and other healthcare IT projects. Its goal is to assist physicians, particularly those in small- and medium-size ambulatory care medical practice, to acquire and use affordable, standards-based electronic health records and other health information technology to improve quality, enhance patient safety and increase efficiency.
PHII Public Health Informatics Institute (formerly AKC)
  • Funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to advance public health practititioners' ability to strategically apply and manage information systems.
TEPR Towards an Electronic Patient Record
  • A conference from the Medical Records Institute (MRI) which selects a faculty of 450 experts to present analyses and descriptions of new approaches, successes, and pitfalls in the EHR arena.