Established in 2003 to support the needs of camp alumni programs

A Step by Step Approach to Developing
and Maintaining an Alumni Program


STEP SEVEN <==     STEP EIGHT - Keeping Alumni Information Up-To-Date     ==> STEP NINE

Communication, Communication, Communication
  • develop a newsletter; 2, 3, 4 times/yr, whatever can be assuredly done; reliability is better than frequency
  • include alumni on camp brochure mailing lists or other mailing lists as desired (family camps, open houses, etc.)
  • consider including 'change-of-address' forms in newsletters which can be completed and returned; sometimes these are passed on to other alumni who want to be on the mailing list
  • STRONGLY consider including at least one first-class mailing to all alumni; the extra postage is well worth the benefits of staying in touch, having mail forwarded.
  • email lists - very helpful for timely communication, but there will be individual alumni preferences on the frequency which can/will be tolerated
  • an up-to-date web site can fill in the gaps for "newer alumni" about previous communications or news items
Develop and Distribute a Camp Policy for Handling Alumni Contacts at the Camp or While Traveling
  • Keep extra Alumni Packets readily available
  • example: upon encountering alumni, ask if they are aware of the Alumni Program, if so, have they received any recent mailings (i.e. is their address up-to-date). if not, explain briefly that an Alumni Program exists and give them an Alumni Packet which provides details. ask if they would like to fill out the alumni card at that time. if not, try to get their name, years and how they were associated with camp, and a phone number or e-mail address or regular address or some other way to contact them. place the information in the "Alumni Director's" mailbox for followup.
Other Methods of Keeping Information Accurate
  • Periodic e-mails (using listservs) to alumni asking if they have received recent mailings and to give you an updated address if necessary
  • Web site form so alumni can submit address changes
  • Periodic mailings to a subset of alumni: i.e., "reunion-year rosters" of select staff.
  • Use of on-line resources or phonebooks on CD-ROM to update old or incorrect addresses.