126 Gifts from 112 Donors in 2022 Totaling $ 23,817.00
as of July 27th, 2024.  

        Anonymous (10)
        Jonathan Adams
        Chris and Desiree Addison
        Kumie Allbery
        Jan and Paul Atkinson
        Auxier Gas, Inc. Propane Marketer
        Lucy Baker
        Bill Beck
        Tim Blank
        Christopher Bolling and Stephen Peterson
        Harry L. Bradbury
        Elaina Garvin Briant
        Carolyn Boda Bridgman
        Haley Brown
        Phil Burckle
        Scott Burris
        Peter Cade
        Colin Campbell
        Martin and Donna Caskey
        Susan Chandler
        Ed Coady
        Karen Cossman
        Dan and Ellen Countryman
        Bob Crafton
        Karen Lewis Dalton
        Peggy Darragh-Jeromos
        Ellen and Jim Davis
        Kevin Davis
        Emily Landis Dennis
        Bill and Enid Dibert
        Steve Dimlich
        Mike Ditmer
        Heather Duke
        Mark, Janna, J.T. and John Erbaugh
        Dean Erskine
        First National Bank of Germantown
        The Florentine Hotel
        Judy Gilleland and Sam Ashworth
        Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gorkis
        MK Graf
        Emily Grant
        Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Grant
        David C. Hanselman
        Charlene J. Harmon
        William R. Harris
        Julie Laughrey
        Jonathan E. Hoffman
        Tim Hoying
        Joseph Family
        Beth Ann Bethel Konves
        Steve and Shirl Kuhn
        Scott Lambert
        John Mancuso and Renee Coscia
        Megan Marino
        Larry Maxwell
        Holly McConnaughey
        Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Molfenter
        Scott and Rebecca Molfenter
        Todd and Nancy Molfenter
        Eric Moll
        Ginger A. Murphy
        Michael Nagy
        Mr. and Mrs. Brian Newton
        Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Parks
        Victoria Parsons
        Bill and Candy Pees
        John and Catherine Pinegar
        Steven and Tara Poelzing
        Walter Poelzing
        Susan Raftery
        Greg Ramm
        Tom Reel
        David Root
        Rural Computer Consultants
        Bill Savage
        Mike Sherman
        Gerry and Stacy Siegert
        Jay Silver
        Tom and Rosemary Slobodnyak
        Melissa Barr Snider
        Lynn Arnold Sparks
        Jack Sperry
        Michael J. Sterzer
        Cheryl Arnold Stevens
        Bayard and Isabel Storey
        Michelle Stuart
        Cheryl Susman
        Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Timmons
        Alex and Emily Tittle
        Deb Bushhouse Traut
        Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trowbridge
        Donald Vigliotti and Kathy Selvaggi
        Dr. Philip H. Vorherr
        Nathan S. Weinberg
        Stuart and Anne Weinberg
        Randall Weiner
        Richard Wendel
        Betsy B. Whitney
        Rich Whitney
        Tom Winning
        Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wright
        Debby and Nicki Yowell
        Tony and Barbara Zangaro

Gifts Received in Honor of:   Tim Baker; Loretta Bailey; Kent Barnheiser; Jasper Dan; Larry Maxwell; Mike Sherman; Stuart T. Weinberg, M.D.; Stuart and Anne Weinberg
Gifts Received in Memory of:   Bill Arnold; Bob and Barbara Barr; David 'Loaf' Bredenfoerder; Deena Hoadley Byrd; James Cossman; Bob Daganhardt; James, Phyllis & Marty Erbaugh; Jerry Lee Kirby; Thomas M. Kuhn; Rick E. Molfenter; Dr. Richard Poeppelmeier; Marilyn and Jack Singerman; George P. Sperry, MD; Walter G. and Earl E. Sterzer; Amy Turley; Lee Whitney; Bonnie Williams; Dick and Marge Youngen; Vic Yowell

In honor of Loretta Bailey - "In appreciation of her years of service and friendship to counselors." - Gerry and Stacy Siegert

In honor of Tim Baker - "Tim attended 16 years' worth of Indian Guide weekends at Camp Kern with his three kids. They all loved every minute of their time together! Bravo, Snoring Eagle!" - Lucy Baker

In honor of Kent Barnheiser, Larry Maxwell, and Mike Sherman - "Kent, Larry, and Mike had a direct impact on my growth during my four years working at Camp Kern." - Peter Cade

In memory of Bill Arnold - "Bill (aka Dad) was the original source of Kern Blood for our family." - Lynn Arnold Sparks

In memory of David 'Loaf' Bredenfoerder - "Loaf's open kindness softened us all." - Mike Sherman

In memory of Bob Daganhardt - "My father was on the Camp Kern Board for many years." - Holly McConnaughey

In memory of James, Phyllis & Marty Erbaugh - "Believers and supporters of the camping experience at Camp Kern." - Mark, Janna, J.T. & John Erbaugh

In memory of Dr. Richard Poeppelmeier - "Dick was a good friend and certainly a loyal member and friend of the Dayton YMCA and Camp Kern." - Harry L. Bradbury

In memory of George P. Sperry. M.D. - "My father who taught me the love of outdoors and camping." - Jack P. Sperry

In memory of Walter G. and Earl E. Sterzer - "Whose experiences at the Old Camp in the 1920's-1930's was invaluable. And counselor Bob Erisman from 1928." - Michael J.Sterzer

In memory of Lee Whitney - "Longtime volunteer and supporter of all things Kern." - Betsy B. Whitney

*** A complete list of Honorary and Memorial Gifts Since 1987 is available by selecting
'Honorary & Memorial Gifts' under the 'Finances' dropdown at www.kernfund.org


Thanks to Our Estate Gifts
      There have been four (4) estate gifts since the creation of The Carl B. Kern Fund. Thanks to the following individuals for their significant contributions to the Fund through their bequests:
  • George E. Kuhn - (deceased March 1, 2001) - nephew of Carl B. Kern; founding Kern Fund Advisory Board member (1988-1999)

  • Roz Young - (deceased August 18, 2005) - widow of former Camp Kern Director William A. 'Uncle Bill' Young; noted Dayton educator, historian and journalist

  • Mary Kuhn Sigel - (deceased July 12, 2007) - niece of Carl B. Kern

  • Robert Salisbury - (deceased July 26, 2016) - former Camp Kern Camper/Staff, 1935 thru 1949; former YMCA director in Dayton, Cleveland, St. Louis, and Milwaukee