In honor of
Loretta Bailey -
"In appreciation of her years of service and friendship to counselors." -
Gerry and Stacy Siegert
In honor of Tim Baker -
"Tim attended 16 years' worth of Indian Guide weekends at Camp Kern with his three kids. They all loved every minute of their time together! Bravo, Snoring Eagle!" - Lucy Baker
In honor of Kent Barnheiser, Larry Maxwell, and Mike Sherman -
"Kent, Larry, and Mike had a direct impact on my growth during my four years working at Camp Kern." - Peter Cade
In memory of Bill Arnold - "Bill (aka Dad) was the original source of Kern Blood for our family." - Lynn Arnold Sparks
In memory of David 'Loaf' Bredenfoerder - "Loaf's open kindness softened us all." - Mike Sherman
In memory of Bob Daganhardt - "My father was on the Camp Kern Board for many years." - Holly McConnaughey
In memory of James, Phyllis & Marty Erbaugh - "Believers and supporters of the camping experience at Camp Kern." - Mark, Janna, J.T. & John Erbaugh
In memory of Dr. Richard Poeppelmeier - "Dick was a good friend and certainly a loyal member and friend of the Dayton YMCA and Camp Kern." - Harry L. Bradbury
In memory of George P. Sperry. M.D. - "My father who taught me the love of outdoors and camping." - Jack P. Sperry
In memory of Walter G. and Earl E. Sterzer - "Whose experiences at the Old Camp in the 1920's-1930's was invaluable. And counselor Bob Erisman from 1928." - Michael J.Sterzer
In memory of Lee Whitney - "Longtime volunteer and supporter of all things Kern." - Betsy B. Whitney
*** A complete list of Honorary and Memorial Gifts Since 1987 is available by selecting
'Honorary & Memorial Gifts' under the 'Finances' dropdown at