formerly Friends of Kern, Inc.
February 2002 - November 2010

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Friends of Kern, Inc. was established as a non-profit charitable 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization dedicated to maintaining contact with friends and alumni of YMCA Camp Kern, preserving Camp Ozone & Camp Kern's history, and perpetuating the camp experience and life's work of former Boys' Secretary Carl B. Kern.
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      The Carl B. Kern Fund
      Fort Ancient State Memorial
      Little Miami Incorporated
      Morgan's Canoe Livery
      Fort Scott Camps
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      Friends of Camp Montvale

      The Philmont Staff Association
      Camp Ridgecrest Alumni and Friends
      Camp Squanto Alumni ...

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July 12th, 2003 Policy Statement on Incoming Donations

On July 12th, 2003, the Friends of Kern Board reviewed and approved a financial policy for incoming donations which is meant to accomplish 2 primary goals:

  1. Provide a mechanism of support for camp on a current, ongoing basis
  2. Provide a mechanism of support for the administrative expenses of Friends of Kern to continue its startup phase of building and maintaining the FOK network

To accomplish the first goal, two Funds were established, as follows:

FRIENDS OF KERN CAMPERSHIP FUND - now standing at $ 9,101.05 as of 03-12-2025 after a November, 2003 distribution of $ 690.60

Currently, the Board has determined that 10% of each membership gift received on or after July 12th, 2003 shall be designated towards the Friends of Kern Campership Fund.

Proceeds from the Fund shall be distributed yearly to YMCA Camp Kern during its Kids to Camp campaign to help provide the opportunity for the camp experience to campers in need of financial assistance.

100TH ANNIVERSARY DISCRETIONARY FUND - now standing at $ 14,687.48 as of 03-12-2025

Currently, the Board has determined that 15% of each membership gift received on or after July 12th, 2003 shall be designated towards the 100th Anniversary Discretionary Fund.

As YMCA Camp Kern approaches its 100th Anniversary, special projects or needs will be identified by camp from time to time and presented to the Friends of Kern Board for consideration. The Board will then present its recommendations to the membership of Friends of Kern for approval, after which a distribution will be made to camp.

To accomplish the second goal,


Currently, the Board has determined that 75% of each membership gift received on or after July 12th, 2003 shall be designated towards offsetting present and future administrative expenses associated with contacting Kern alumni & providing a communication forum between Kern Alumni & between Alumni and Camp Kern.

Friends of Kern is dedicated to maintaining contact with Friends & Alumni of YMCA Camp Kern, helping preserve Camp Ozone & Camp Kern's history, and perpetuating the camp experience and the life's work of former Boy's Work Secretary, Carl B. Kern.

November 23rd Addendum to Donations Policy

On November 23rd, 2003, the Friends of Kern Board unanimously approved a change to the existing Donations Policy to include language specifying that gifts would be allocated 75%/25% as currently described "unless specifically designated by the donor to be used 100% at the discretion of Friends of Kern, Inc."

This policy will be reviewed by the Friends of Kern Board of Directors on a periodic basis.