HI! My name is Stuart Weinberg. Every summer I can remember has been
associated with camp in one way or another - from 3 years of day
camp to 14 years of resident camp (camper for 7 years, then CIT,
Jr. Counselor, Counselor, Support Staff, Crafts Director, Canteen
Manager, and Office Assistant), followed by several years as a camp Board
Member, and most recently as a Camp Consultant.
I met my wife Anne at camp, proposed to her there, and we were married there
with a former camp director as the minister!
In 1982, I helped establish an Alumni Program for a YMCA camp in preparation for
its 75th Anniversary in 1985. My experiences over the past 35+ years have been the
subject of presentations at several local, regional and national camp conferences,
starting in 1992 and including most recently American Camp Association conferences in 2017, 2018, and
soon in 2019 (see Presentations link above).
I have been developing web sites since the World Web Web (WWW) burst onto the stage
in the mid 1990s. Combining real-life camp experiences with a Computer Science major,
I have developed both public-facing and password-protected web-based administrative tools
which have been refined over 15 years to provide best-practice methods of supporting
camp alumni efforts. I welcome the opportunity to share these tools with you.
Technical is written in PHP and uses MySQL databases. When possible, incorporates
the Javascript of the camp's website to maintain a consistent look-and-feel for public-facing pages. implements a secure certificate which includes 256-bit SSL Encryption. has also implemented XML tagging techniques to allow for the export of alumni data
into other external systems.