AAP Computer Lab
Software and Hardware Descriptions
Fall, 1998
- 6 computers total: 3 MACs and 3 IBM-compatible
- 2 computers designated as "presentation computers": 1 MAC and
1 IBM-compatible; hooked up to a large monitor in the presentation area
- 5 phone lines (1 shared between the 2 presentation computers)
- 1 IBM/MAC compatible printer
IBM-Compatible Computers
Tentatively planned to be 200MMX machines with:
- Minimum 32mb RAM
- Minimum 2GB Hard Disk Drive
- Minimum 12x CD-ROM
- Sound Card w/ External Speakers
- Minimum 28.8 External Modem
- 17" Monitor
- Keyboard and Mouse
- SOFTWARE: [Anti-Virus]
- SOFTWARE: Microsoft Office
MAC OS Computers
Tentatively planned to be
Power Macintosh 9600/200 systems
- 200-MHz PowerPC 604e Processor, with 512K level 2 cache
- Minimum 32mb RAM
- Minimum 1GB Hard Disk Drive
- Minimum 12x CD-ROM
- External Speakers
- Minimum 28.8 External Modem
- 17" Monitor
- Keyboard and Mouse
- OPERATING SYSTEM: Minimum System 7.5.3
- SOFTWARE: [Anti-Virus]
Software to be Loaded by SCOT
- IBM / MAC: PREP CD-Sampler [only 1 machine]
- IBM / MAC: DXplain via Internet (to be confirmed)
- IBM / MAC (under Softwindows): Pediatric Advisor
- IBM / MAC (under Softwindows): Radiology Cases in Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- IBM: System Commander
- MAC: Softwindows 3.0
- MAC: Apple Internet Connection Kit
- MAC: Cyberpeds [only 1 machine]
Table Displays
- Copies of front page of most recent SCOT newsletter, 200
File SETUP98F.HTM, revised October 13, 1998