Newsletter of the AAP Steering Committee on Clinical Information Technology
On-Line Version

October, 2002 - [PDF Version]

From the ChairS. Andrew Spooner M.D.
The Section on Computers and Other Technologies (SCOT) has been providing education on clinical information technology in the Academy since 1984. As you read in the last SCOT newsletter (February 2002), SCOT has merged with the Task Force on Medical Informatics (TFOMI). TFOM....
From the Special Interest Group (SIG) LeadersEdward M Gotlieb M.D.
Kevin B Johnson, MD, MS
Mark M Simonian
Education SIG
Leader: Mark M Simonian, MD, FAAP

The first year in the revised Steering Committee as the Education Chair has been fun and a challenge and a learning experience. Time schedules and unknown details in the program proposals ha....

Getting Involved with SCOCIT and the SIGs
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HIPAA UpdateEdward M Gotlieb M.D.
Aiysha S Johnson
About the Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

On August 21, 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was signed into law. Currently, the major compliance efforts will be focused on priva....

AMIA President's Commission on the Electronic Health RecordDouglas M Stetson M.D.
The AAP Section on Computers and Other Technologies (SCOT) and the Task Force on Medical Informatics (TFOMI) recommended Douglas Stetson, MD, FAAP and Eugenia Marcus, MD, FAAP to serve on the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) President's Commission on the Electronic Healt....
Primary Care Informatics Updates
Kevin Johnson MD, FAAP has been actively involved with AMIA's Primary Care Informatics Working Group to complete the White Paper: "Moving Toward a United States Strategic Plan in Primary Care Informatics."

Richard Shiffman MD, FAAP serves as the AAP representative to the Nation....

Task Force on Medical Informatics - Final Executive Summary
The Task Force on Medical Informatics (TFOMI) held its last meeting at the American Academy of Pediatrics in Elk Grove Village, Illinois on March 23, 2002 and March 24, 2002. TFOMI addressed several major issues including the proposed modifications to the Privacy ....
Medem Pediatric Advisory Committee UpdateMark M Simonian
The AAP Pediatric Advisory Committee for Medem (PAC) met June 29 and 30, 2002. A summary of Medem’s achievements was discussed with Medem users and partner physicians participating. Considerable time was dedicated to On-line Consultation - its features and future development. This is a m....
Totally Online CMES. Andrew Spooner M.D.
Love to travel? Love to spend lots of money on travel? No? Then maybe getting some or all of the 20 to 50 hours per year you need of CME via a web site is the way to go. There are 3 basic models of web-based CME:

  • Read article, take test (RATT): This is just like the old ....
Pediatric Informatics in the LiteratureGeorge R Kim M.D.
Recent Articles on Pediatric Informatics

Kim, K, Lanni KA, Collazo E, Gracely E, Belfer R, "Pagers Combined With Telephones Improve Successful Follow-up From a Pediatric Emergency Department", Pediatrics (Electronic Article) Vol. 110 No. 1 July 2002, pp. e1.

The NCE Computer LabLewis C Wasserman M.D.
The 2002 SCOT Computer Lab is a potpourri of Pediatric Informatics. We have a broad variety of topics, a great selection of speakers, and always someone who can give you a hand learning something new about information technology.

We open this year with a discussion that anyone who ....