Newsletter of the AAP Section on Computers and Other Technologies
On-Line Version

Spring, 2001

From The Chair

Andy Spooner
Membership in SCOT
What's your membership in the Section on Computers and Technologies worth? What do you get in return for your $25 per year to be a member of the Section?

Recent Highlights and Updates
It's been a busy year for pediatric information technology medical informatics. The handheld market has exploded.... HIPAA dominated the health information technology policy area.... Medicaid programs in at least 18 states started providing reimbursement for telemedicine services....

Editor's Corner

Stuart Weinberg
Practicing What We Preach
For so many years we have discussed and demonstrated the uses of technology to assist us in all aspects of providing pediatric care - clinical support, administrative support, patient and provider education, etc. - with the assumption that the technology makes the processes more accurate and efficient, less time-consuming and frustrating. This assumption is often critical to the acceptance of a new system - and one that will be tested as I strive to implement current technologies to compile and distribute this newsletter.


More than Just Skin-Deep: Pedsdermatlas
Anyone who has generated online medical education resources, knows how difficult and time-consuming the gathering of content and its transfer into a web-compatible format can be. We would like to describe an online educational resource that was designed to minimize these problems.
Christoph U. Lehmann
Michael R.G. Cohen
Bernard A. Cohen

Academy News

HIPAA Advocacy/Educational Activities
The Academy describes it's educational and advocacy efforts to increase pediatrician's awareness of HIPAA. Web-based materials are also available on the Members Only Channel under 'HIPAA'. The Academy is also hiring a consultant to develop more pediatric-specific and detailed materials.
Becky Levin-Goodman

Personal Perspectives

My Month With PatientKeeper
How well does a palmtop computer help in the process of inpatient pediatric care? I decided to find out in November of 2000 by using the Palm OS program PatientKeeper to maintain records and produce documentation during a month "on service" in a busy academic children's hospital.
Andy Spooner
Las Vegas Comdex 2000 Review
After attending Comdex in Las Vegas for over 5 years I have a feeling about the impact of the event and how the products that are introduced are likely to appear in the following year.... One nice technology that will definitely have medical applications in the future will be the Tablet PC show by Bill Gates.... Every Comdex seems to have some strong themes and one was wireless technology....
Mark Simonian